

Mysti as The Mom

Tom as The Dad

Kaiya as The six-year-old

Morgan as The five-year-old

Evalyn and Viola as The twin three-year-olds

And Leah as The Cat

Monday, October 21, 2013

A walking and talking puppy. 10/21/2013

Kaiya: Mom, if a bad guy broke into our house and he was allergic to squeaks Evelyn and I would make him sneeze a lot.

Viola: Dad, I'm not a puppy!  I'm just Buddy. See I'm not a puppy because I'm can talk and walk.
Viola: Dad, now I'm a talking puppy.  Call me talking puppy, Buddy.

Kaiya (about the bug in her room): I have it surrounded with toilet paper, but it won't last for long. It's a tricky little fella!

Viola: Sssshhhh, be quiet or else the boys will hear you and kill you. So just be quiet okay.? (She was only imagining that homicidal boys were at our house.)

Morgan (while doing homework) But! (laughs) Like this butt! (shakes her butt at me)

Viola: Look at this book! (it's a Barbie cook book) This book is about dirty diapers. It has a lot of dirty diapers in it.

Evalyn: Mommy, I love ya!  I just need you.

Tom: This guy is in the hospital dying with pneumonia.
Mysti: I'm so sorry about your coworker.
Tom: He might pull through poor guy. It's a bummer.
Mysti: Did you really just say that?  "It's a bummer."
Tom: You love me.  I help you with your study of the male social dynamics.
Mysti: You are my study of many things.
Tom: Day number 382, Tom is starting to suspect that he is being studied.

Mysti: Why does my mail have my name as "Mysh Hood" so often. "Mysh" really?

Mysti: Tom, pro tip, never turn your back on Viola for more than a minute.
Tom: That is a good tip.

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