

Mysti as The Mom

Tom as The Dad

Kaiya as The six-year-old

Morgan as The five-year-old

Evalyn and Viola as The twin three-year-olds

And Leah as The Cat

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Royal Ascension, Electricity and a Dancing Prima Donna

(Kaiyia and Mysti are playing barbies. Kaiya is being Cinderella and Mysti is being Snow White)
Kaiya: *in a Cinderella voice* Today I am going to become queen. My mom and dad died because they were attacked by aliens. I hid and didn’t get hurt except for a gonk on the head. I am a tough girl. My parents should have been tough and smart and hid like me.

(Tom is trying to explain wiring to Kaiya.)
Tom: See the wire running to that light? Electricity runs along that wire and lights up the bulb.
Kaiya: Oh... that sounds pretty boring.
Tom: It does? Oh...
Mysti: Kaiya, glitter pens are fun and pretty right?
Kaiya: Yes, they are so fun.
Tom: I think electricity is fun.
Kaiya: Nope it’s pretty boring.

(Morgan is dressed up like Cinderella. Mysti came up and started dancing with her, then this happened.)
Morgan: (with her fists on her hips) Mom, you can’t spin me! (Folds her arms and fixes Mysti with a withering glare.) It is my life!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Santa Power!

Kaiya (pretending a box is Santa's slay and she is Santa): I have presents in the back for all the people. To make them happy. With Santa Power.

Morgan: Mommy look what I have. (holds up a small toy)
Mysti: Nice! Did you find that?
Morgan: No! I found it!

Morgan (pretending to be a baby): *yelling* GOO GOO GOO!!!!
Kaiya: That isn't a very nice thing to say.

Morgan: I not shy. I Morgan, and I three.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My complements to the baby!

Morgan (whine voice): Mom, Kaiya kicked me!
Mysti: What happened?
Morgan: Kaiya kicked me. *pout lip*
Mysti: I know that part. Why did she kick you?
Mysti: Kaiya, why did you kick Morgan?
Kaiya: She was being mean to me!
Mysti: How was she mean to you?
Kaiya: She was going “Rar rar rar, I am being mean to you!”.
Mysti: I don’t think that is what she was doing.
Kaiya: She did for real!

(Tom is talking to Evalyn in the morning.)
Tom: That is a very full dipper, very full indeed. My complements to the baby.

Kaiya: She hurt my head - my beautiful, beautiful head.

Kaiya: Mom, Evey’s steeling my lunch! My kitty lunch!

Kaiya: Mom, I’m going through a growth spurt.
Mysti: That is so great!
Morgan: I want to go to! Where are we going?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The leatherback VS the maned wolves!

Kaiya: Mom lets play a game!
Mysti: I would love to. What would you like to play?
Kaiya: Mom, I’m a leatherback sea turtle. I am going to lay my eggs. You are Diego, and you need to keep the wolves away while I hide them.
( Kaiya pretends to swim and says “swim swim swim swim” while pretending.)
Kaiya: Now I dig a nest. (pretends to dig) Dig dig dig dig. (pretends to lay the eggs) Lay lay lay (pretends to cover up her eggs) bury bury bury berry. Smooth smooth smooth smooth.
Mysti: OK I kept the wolfs away, and I will protect your eggs for you.
Kaiya: Now I am going to go for a swim. You watch my eggs. (pretends to swim off) swim swim swim swim.
Kaiya: Help help help! I got trapped in a net by maned wolves!
Mysti: OK. I am getting in my boat.
Kaiya: Hurry hurry! They have me hanging over a volcano full of hot lava!!!
Mysti: I am coming fast to save you. (Mysti pretends to climb the volcano couch and rescue her.)
Kaiya: Lets hurry back to my babies.
Mysti: Climb in the boat and we will go.
( They make it back just in time to see the eggs hatch. What a great day with all of the turtles safe! )

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I like me!

(Kaiya had a scratch on her pinky finger and the next day we made baking soda volcanoes. Kaiya and Morgan spent about a half hour splashing in the goo until the scratch started to sting. Tom put a band-aid on it for her then she said this.)
Kaiya: Mom, look I have a booboo. It’s OK though, because now I can hold a tea cup. (mimes holding a cup) Look my pinky is already up!

Jordan (a cousin): Morgan who do you like better BYU or Utah?
Morgan: I like Morgan.

Kaiya: I love everyone on our world because they are so kind and sweet to me.

Morgan: I want the pink cereal. Pink is yummy.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Who you calling Sucker?

Morgan: Mommy, where we going?
Mysti: I think I’m going crazy. I think you are going to drive.
Morgan: No! I have to be in the back, in my car seat.

Kaiya: Abooga booga booga! I’m nocturnal.
Morgan: Booga booga booga! I’m a turtle.

Morgan: I want an ice pop! I want an ice pop! Ice pop! Ice pop!
Mysti: Morgan, Good things come to those who wait.
Morgan: Huh? Give me an ice pop.

Morgan: My ice pop is all gone.
Kaiya: Than get another one, Sucker.
Morgan: I not a sucker, I Morgan.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Beware the robot pirates!

Morgan (tattling voice): Mom, the baby is playing with me.
Mysti: OK thanks for letting me know.
Mysti (to Viola): Good girl keep playing with your big sister.

Kaiya and Morgan: Aarrrggghhhh we are robot pirates!
Kaiya: We came to fight bad guys. *starts chopping Mysti’s leg with a sward*
Mysti: Aarrgghh That be me wooden leg. Ye can’t hurt a bad guy pirate’s wooden leg!
Kaiya: *starts punching Mysti in the butt* Punch Punch! You can’t hurt us because we have shiny armor on that makes it so we can’t get hurt!

Morgan: Mom I want some more chocolate cake.
Mysti: Oh no this is broccoli cake!
Morgan (Thinks about this) Mom, No it isn’t!

Kaiya: (to Mysti) I will always draw pictures for you, because I love you.

Morgan: Hi friend.
Kaiya: My name is not friend, it is Princess!