

Mysti as The Mom

Tom as The Dad

Kaiya as The six-year-old

Morgan as The five-year-old

Evalyn and Viola as The twin three-year-olds

And Leah as The Cat

Monday, November 11, 2013

No scampering. 10/11/13

Morgan: Hey Kaiya, remember when you made that beaver that sees it's shadow?
Kaiya: Huh?
Mysti: That is a groundhog, you silly.
Morgan: Oh...what?
Mysti: Morgan, I love that to you most fuzzy brown animals are just beavers.

Evalyn (runs into the bathroom yelling while I am in the shower): Mama, I need your help!
Mysti: What's wrong.
Evalyn: I need one, two, three and one suckers!
Mysti: You do?  You need one, two, three and one suckers?
Evalyn: Yeah, I do, and this one (pointing to her thumb) is a blue sucker.

Mysti: Kaiya, why don't you get dressed and come play in the yard with me?
Kaiya: Psh! Cloths are for suckers! ...Not that you're a sucker mom.

Morgan: Bow to your queen!!

Morgan: I finished my food so fast.  It's like it just Spanished into thin air.

Tom: Ssshhh. No scampering.

My damage... 10/10/13

Viola: Mom, what's your damage?
Mysti: ... What?
Viola: Yeah, and where are your boobs?

Tom: If you are going to do something, do it kind of right.

Viola: ATTACK!
Tom: Eak!  I'm getting attacked in the butt.