Morgan: I’m sleeping tooty!
Kaiya: I have a guitar, now all I need is some shades.
Kaiya: Our babies will always be in our hearts. I adore them so much! They are just so adorable.
Kaiya (to Evalyn): I love you so much snuggle buddy.
Evalyn: *giggle* (pat Kaiya on the face).
Tom: Are you going to be a rock-star today, Mysti?
Mysti: I am at least going to drink like one.
Morgan: I need my diamond cloths. I’m so cold!
Tom: You need your diamond cloths?
Morgan: No! I need DIAMOND cloths!!!
Tom: Man, you are expensive.
Kaiya: Mom, What is the hardest part of being an octopus?
Mysti: Ummm. I don’t know, what?
Kaiya: It takes so long to wash your hands for dinner!
Kaiya: I like loud things.
Mysti: Is that why you love Morgan so much?
Kaiya: Yes it is.
Mysti (to Viola): You are not loud though. You are squeaky.
Kaiya: Don’t worry Viola. I love you even though you are not loud.
Kaiya: Mom, If you are not going to let me watch T.V. all day then I am going to just strut away.
Mysti: Morgan we don’t sword fight with butter knifes.
Kaiya: Daddy, you are full of awesome!
Kaiya: Daddy, you keep us safe with your sword that chops heads off!
Kaiya: Who wants mud cup cakes?!
Morgan: Mommy, I need a snack. I need cup cakes!
Viola (sing song vioce): Dada dada iddle diddle dadadadaiddle.
Tom: Let go of my face or I will ……………. tickle you!
Tom: Can’t you just hug me?
Morgan: No!
Tom: Can’t you just kiss me?
Morgan: NO!
Tom: Can’t you just love me?
Morgan: NO!
Tom: Can’t you just think I’m great?
Morgan: No!
Tom: Can’t you just let me zerbit your tummy?
Morgan (giggle): No….
Tom (blows on the belly)
Morgan: (giggle) Do it again!